If my decisiveness causes divisiveness, then come what may because I've lived too much of my life in the gray.

Monday, July 9, 2012


     Excuse me for the next minutes as I put it just like I see it.  This morning I heard a commentator on the radio say about a girl who was "caught" in a picture, that since everything in our society is automated, surveillanced, and uploaded, that the only hope we have is that there will be no more use for the word "slut" because it won't matter anymore.  Even her male counterpart said, "You don't believe that."
     After we left Macklynn at camp with Michael and McKala, I took Madalynn and Melody to the park.  At 10 am, there was only 1 other family there.  I involuntarily thought that most kids are either in daycare for the summer or in Grandma's air conditioned place in front of the TV.  I recently let the TV be turned off.  Don't get me wrong; I know there is good to be had from TV.  But with our switchup in schedules, it got too easy to have it on.  I've lately been wondering too if air conditioning is almost as big a cuplrit, just keeping us so idle.  Oh, speaking of "idols", there is just no way of getting around that the TV is the center of almost every room.  What does that look like to you?
     With Melody in between us, the other mom, Linda, and I sat on the bench getting some shade as her 3 boys and Madalynn ran up and down and all around.  I found out even she didn't "want" to be at home.  She's been out of work for a year, plus her husband doesn't lift a finger to help her with the boys.  I told her I'd been home for 19 years and tried to find an "in" to give her Biblical support, but all I really left her with was my name. 
     To be honest, I was just glad she wasn't texting or reading "mommy porn".  She was very interested in her boys and said she didn't mind spanking them in public if need be.  I wish I had the guts to tell her that if she commited to being home, the natural response for her husband would be to "man up".  Not knowing her any better, I hated to give that advice so I wrote down her name on my list to ensure I don't forget her.
     As we were leaving, cars starting pulling in for the pool.  I try not to "judge"; I "observed" the groups of kids.  Again, I involuntarily thought, "They're raising themselves."  They have better relationships with their friends than their families.  Mom and Dad just don't make fun so friends "want" to come over.  That's why things like our 4th party are extremely important to me.  Why run the kids off when they can have fun nearby and with accountability?  I'm not sure that what I heard on "Christian" radio on the way home was much more reassuring.  The host said she and her daughter had a "whip cream" battle (fun in and of itself) as a vacation "activity".  Activity?  It's bad enough that we have boxed up, premade food; we're doing it with our kids.  Good grief, live a little.
     All this said, are we really that different from Sodom and Gomorrah?  Wake up before you drift into neverland and have no part in the joy of the afterlife with the angels "over one sinner that repenteth" ...because if 'we' don't know where we're going in life, why would "the lost" want to go with us?
     I'm gonna say it straight up.  If your life isn't illuminating Christ, if a room doesn't shine when you walk in, then inspect whether you have even met the One you call Redeemer ...or whether you're hiding sin in thought or action and don't want to be exposed as a hypocrite.  I should know.  The adversary has come at me from every direction and for years found ways to keep me down, wondering, quiet ...so I wouldn't say the things I'm saying today.  Game over.

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