If my decisiveness causes divisiveness, then come what may because I've lived too much of my life in the gray.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012


     Tonight, I was told by someone I love deeply that I exaggerate like no one they know.  I'm quieted by that.  I have to examine myself.  Afterall, what I write and do cannot be expressed any more beautifully, soundly, or revelationally than the Bible, so I'm not sure that I'm not just wasting valuable time writing down all I feel, believe, and live.  I feel the same way about my drawings.  Photographs of God's creation catch what cannot be perfected by my interpretation.  If I can't affect the people I love the most, then what? ...and when truth said in anger after I've been provoked overshadows any goodness I've intended, then I'm dismissed.   So, here I sit ...with nothing to say and no intentions of going on with my stories.
     (I should pay closer attention to using words than mean different things to different people.  To me, "exaggeration" is a description of how I react, NOT what I say and know to be the truth.  If I'm not telling the truth, with NO exaggeration, then there is no reason to write at all.  BUT if I'm not living the unadulterated truth, then I have no reason to live.  So, if I see that God's truth is literal and drastic measures should be taken to obey, well, I hope that's what I'll do.  If I see hatefulness and rebellion, I tend to go overboard, in trying to shut it down.  That is where I can be found searching hard for God and not religion.)

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