If my decisiveness causes divisiveness, then come what may because I've lived too much of my life in the gray.

Friday, December 25, 2020

This Christmas

     This morning my "memories" reminded me that three years ago, I was invited to celebrate Christmas with the 6 month old twins that I had only seen a handful of times. By the look on my face, you could tell I was desperately grateful... and desperately tired from the tsunami that hit our family that year. 
     I really didn't have anything to give so I printed out relevant scripture for each one and framed it. And h.o.p.e. Ministries is the only reason the kids at home got anything. Here is a post about it that I never published or completed: https://www.blogger.com/blog/post/edit/5869496433102770626/5864514521123043544. They helped once more the following year as we were reunited and waiting on Mike's Social Security Disability to be approved. 

     Last year, while everyone else was in dire financial straits, Jeremiah and Megan were on the road "raking it in" and made sure everyone got a little something by way of the Saran Wrap Ball game. I struggle with the emphasis on gifts at Christmas; nevertheless, I didn't want Macklynn and Madalynn to become takers rather than givers. So, we devised ideas for each sibling household that would be specifically from them. They paid $20 of Melody and Miranda's power bill. They cleaned Michael's car inside and out. They bought Timothy and McKala a gift card to go on a date. And they bought Megan a gift card for a manicure, and we gave Jeremiah some Kohl's cash. 
     This year the adult kids drew names. It has been another lean one, and I thought it'd be good to get Melody's truffle recipe and have the kids make batches for everyone. Lo and behold, Madalynn came down with a cold last weekend and Macklynn started coming down with it yesterday. So, even that hasn't worked out. However, as we were all gathered together yesterday, we found that the sisters had decided to buy gifts for everyone, just the way Michael did three years ago. 
     So, we shift. No one expects anything. In return, it always works out; Michael made that observation last night. We don't have particular traditions, and I hope it stays that way, that everyone remains thankful for whatever comes, like the little job Mike and I have picked up delivering cars to and from auctions, which provided in the nick of time the ability to buy everyone something from the Carhartt store and to put three or four gifts for Macklynn and Madalynn under the tree.
    Madalynn asked on the way home, during the "search for snow" ride Mike took us on (and found), if the presents left under the tree were for the two of them. She said it was a lot. And I know that it's not, but that she is so grateful for so little breaks my heart and lets me know that through everything they have learned so much. 

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