I have hundreds and hundreds of pages of words I've put to paper. I still am in the process of submitting before the Lord in what order they should be, what conclusions should be made, and what perspective should be used. In the meantime, I still have rushes of thoughts that bring me back here, blogging.
Because I have not severed my relationship with Facebook (although I have recently written all the names and information of "friends" I want to stay in touch with when I do), I was scrolling through and saw some things I didn't know. It reminded me to count my blessings, all seven of "them." Infertility and miscarriages are things I know nothing of. But I do know something of the difficulties of marriage. I said recently that perhaps God gave me the ease of childbearing knowing that marriage would not be so.
I had another conversation recently about vaccinations. And for some reason, I thought of our collard green patch. It had caterpillars up until it got really cold; not only do they eat away the leaves, they might wind up on a plate. We could spray the plants, but it's easy enough to wash the leaves in the sink. Regardless, we had collard green trouble, and now they will probably die soon given a stay of freezing temperatures. We do not live in a perfect world. Period.
I know that my profile picture for this blog site needs to be updated so I'm working on the damage that I've sustained and have allowed to change my appearance and health. My hair is growing again. I'm glad for the hair I have. Again, I consider it a blessing, God knowing how awful the veins on my legs would be.
We just never know what we're gonna get. One person's child dies; another one's wants to die. These kinds of situations are what "I can do all things" is about. I read this morning, "He that handleth a matter wisely shall find good: and whoso trusteth in the LORD, happy is he" (Proverbs 16:20). It's not always that we don't trust God but that we don't trust ourselves and won't ask to made like Him, only that our circumstances be made easier. There is perceived difficulty in every choice and every encounter until we decide that God knows best and hears our prayers when we repent and answers them according to His own wisdom and pleasure.
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