As I sit here trying to recall the weekend, the big kids are outside around a bonfire with Jaycie, while Madalynn watches her new movie for the 4th time and Mike researches a repair for work. Macklynn's outside with them and since he turned 8 today, he's well on his way to being "big". He wanted chocolate covered strawberries for his birthday, so Melody made them just like she made cake balls for Madalynn's, cheesecake for Michael's, and picked out jumbo blueberry muffins for McKala's. Yes, I have survived our 8 day whirlwind of birthdays! Plus, Valentine's out with Mike AND joining our church on Sunday!
You heard it here: we found a church home after searching for almost a decade. Truth is we were worn from not finding a place to settle. Our "church" wardrobe was even depleted from the apathy that crept up on us. I am certain that church service is not about fashion. Every time I start to think so, I remember how pretty I thought I looked in my yellow Easter dress at Burkemont Baptist when I was a preteen. I'm sure I didn't even know what the preacher preached that Sunday. However, there IS something to be said for trimmed nails and hair, clean ears, polished shoes, ironed shirts, matching socks, and overall modesty.
So, the Sunday that Mike looks over at me and asks, "You wanna do it today or when the girls return," I say, "We don't know when that'll be, so yeah," and turn my head to the children to my right, he's already stepped out into the isle to the left! Don't get me wrong, I was thrilled. We knew the first day that we'd found our place. But, when I beckoned the kids to follow, I think they mistook it as an altar call ...and were trying to figure out why we all had to go ;) Bless their hearts, I just now explained to Macklynn and Madalynn what we had done, that we had a place to go every Sunday and we didn't have to visit anywhere else, that we can do everything they do. The first thing Macklynn says, "So, we can eat there now too?" Ha!
As we made our way to the front, thankfully I forgot that Macklynn had on an inside out athletic sock; that Madalynn's tights were frayed and the back of her hair almost as much; that when Melody went to shave there was no hot water, so she grabbed a pair of wrinkled pants from her closet floor that were too snug, but I had imagined we might slink in unnoticed; that McKala had on an assortment of spring and winter items that I doubted her new birthday boots carried; that I had on Miranda's sweater with a hole and her pants that are too long for me and too form fitting since I've not exercised in so long, sporting a day old, snowed on, flat "do"; and that Mike needed a haircut, which we told him we'd do the night before, EXCEPT that we didn't get home until 2 am!
McKala, Michael, Melody, and had driven to Greensboro for Winter Jam (a concert of all genres of Christian music), something I've been spoiled to have Megan or Miranda to take them to until this year. There we were in the falling snow waiting 3 hours for tickets, surrounded by thousands and thousands of enthusiastic fans. We saw old friends and made new ones, particularly a businessman of small stature who was sharing his oversized umbrella with others, who I assumed were his family. But they weren't; he was kindly standing in line alone so that his wife didn't have to endure the weather. He eventually told me that he was an addict until 2 years ago. His wife and children are still distant, leary of his claims for Christ. His daughter hugs her mother at night but not him. I immediately had empathy for him since Mike's experienced the same thing. As they opened the doors prematurely so we could escape the cold, he told me he'd pray for Mike and me; then I remembered to ask him their names ...Randy and Bobbi they are. He has a long road ahead of him because she doesn't have any particular interest in Godly endeavors remember people like these in your prayers.
The night began roughly since we couldn't decide on seating, then Melody bumped the batteries out of the camera and couldn't find one of them. I got onto her pretty harshly about her discontent. I decided to remedy it with searching for the battery myself, so when the crowd stood to their feet, I went hunting ...and I found it! She still was slumped in her chair and although I never buy venue food, I knew she was hungry; so I went for it anyway ...only to find that those southern Christians had bought out all the fried chicken! Fries had to sustain and she cheered up, taking several good pictures. I couldn't let a rift ruin a night of worship. I want Melody to enjoy Christian music the way she does all the others.
We were thoroughly entertained and encouraged and HUNGRY at night's end, but I passed one too many McDonald's full of church vans and then they were all closed. So, we ended up way out of the way at a Waffle House. The kids knew we didn't need to spend the money, just how they did when I offered a CD or T-Shirt at the concert. After all, it's wholesome music and birthday season at that, AND they'd paid their own ways in ...but they refused the merchandise ...and I got a glimpse of humility in them, the best thing a parent could ask for.
On the way home, McKala, usually the first one on the "church train", pleaded for me not to wake her up in the morning. But when I made my way into our bedroom, Mike said that the new guy at work was bringing his wife to come visit the church with us.
When the alarm went off, Mike said, "Wake up the kids; we're all going." I stumbled around bribing them with coffee as they begged me off. I scavenged the frig for odds and ends to suffice for breakfast. We got everybody's body parts covered but we looked haggard at best. Then, as we set off for our 30 minute trip, Mike and I had a disagreement that could've evolved into one of those "turn the car around" deals. By the time we got there, I was still visibly upset; so I bid everyone ahead of me while I sat in the car to gather myself. Within minutes, it became clear I'd become overly tired and stressed (even though it was from a lot of good things) and Satan was on my coattails, simply trying to obscure God's providence.
However, I had no earthly idea why the negative tug was so hard ...until Mike made that move to the isle. I'll give you credit here for the obvious: 1. We were up 'til the wee hours. 2. We looked a mess. 3. We barely missed a knock down drag out. Joining the church might not have happened, at least not anytime soon since Mike travels so much, if we'd given in to human frailty at any given level, at any given moment!
I have so many other things I'd like to recount here, things we did and said on each child's birthday, but what I'm gonna leave this with is: don't let the logistics bog you down. Because the closer we get to God, the quicker the devil will jump in the mix to thwart what is bound to happen. It's NOT about whys, wheres, hows, and how could yous. It's about a thing that's vastly bigger than we are. It's about a God who's just waiting for us to turn our faces heavenward. Sometimes, it IS about the waiting and the not knowing. But I mean, once you're sold out to Christ, it's like this, one of my favorites: " Yea doubtless, and I count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord: for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and do count them but dung, that I may win Christ." ~ Philippians 3:8. There's more of me for Him to take, so as TobyMac sang Saturday night, "I'll just step out the way," He can "steal my show". If you have a problem, that's the solution ...and don't forget there's always more at play than we understand on Mike's behalf, I'll announce that he's been diagnosed this Tuesday morning with bronchitis, an ear infection, and a sinus infection even though he's been on 2 rounds of antibiotics, so Sunday morning was surely trying for him also.
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