If my decisiveness causes divisiveness, then come what may because I've lived too much of my life in the gray.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013


     3 weeks to the day in the Holiday Inn Express, we got to come home last Thursday!  We managed to sled, fish, swim, volunteer with Mike, give each other haircuts, get Melody's braces on, take McKala for an interview at Chick-fil-A, visit with friends and family, who led us to find ourselves a church, during that time.  Mike swept me away to watch "Les Miserables" once more; took me, McKala, and her "special friend" to lunch on a Saturday afternoon; and lastly drove us, more like "spun us", around in the icy snow to get to Golden Corral, which normally isn't our "cup of tea" but the little guys were in awe of the spread and everyone was silly over the endless cotton candy.
     The first 2 weeks were like vacation.  By the third, the kids had memorized the infomercials and I was feeling the stress of being "on guard" 24/7.   Funny how we had our little "routine" there.   We got to know all the staff and some of their personal stories.  2 of them told us that better children had never stayed there.  I was awfully pleased but, at the same time, worried that today's standards are so much lower, I'm not sure a compliment like that means what it used to. 
     We had so many things weighing down the car on the way home that Mike kept thinking a tire was getting low.  I guess we surprised the workers, even though we'd told them we were coming back when the mold was removed.  The house was so neat that I almost want to go back to the hotel.  A lot of today will be spent putting the rest of things back in order.  After my physical yesterday morning, I got virtually nothing done.  I napped a rare nap and napped again.  I got up long enough to eat leftover Super Bowl pizza, play Lincoln Logs with Macklynn and Go Fish with Madalynn, and finally watch America's Funniest Videos with Melody and Michael.  I slept this morning 'til I couldn't sleep anymore.  You know, sometimes a body needs to do that. 
     Sunday we missed church because of snotty noses and nasty coughs, something I wouldn't dare force on someone else just because I "had" to get to church.  We did get a car!  We drove to Lenoir and bought it off a family that had just put it on Craig's List.  If I recall correctly, it is the first car we've had that was PAID IN FULL.  Nevermind the year and aesthetic condition ;) 
     We got home in enough time to make homemade pizza.  Just as we were getting into the first quarter, the TV went out.  We went to the phone to report it, and IT was out.  Even internet service was down.  As usual, we checked all the bills to make sure I hadn't fouled up.  When we heard on the radio that the lights at the dome were out, we worried a little.  Turns out there was some kind of fiberoptic failure here and life goes on!
     The morning before, Mike and I drove McKala to Charlotte Douglas Airport so she could board the flight to Atlanta that her sisters paid for as her 16th birthday gift.  She loved it.  Our Georgia family is entertaining her well and Megan will bring her back on Friday which will begin our yearly "FebFest".   McKala's birthday is the 11th; Madalynn's is the 12th; Michael's is the 15th; Macklynn's is the 18th.  We'll have one get her license and one get his permit!  We're due for "Homeschool Ski Day" (ha!) and the Winter Jam concert, much less the individual things I like to do with them.
     Mike won't get to take the boys to Daytona for their birthdays this year because he's been released to work!  He's already been "deployed" to New York.  I pray it gets him out of the "haze" that's surrounded him since he broke his leg; getting onto what he was hired for should be the inspiration that evaporates it.
     Friday was a day of "reestablishing headquarters".  It was also the day that brought on the main idea for this blog.  As the workers were putting the finishing touches on, I realized they were leaving some pretty shoddy work.  In a brief conversation before the lead contractor left, he revealed he knows the landlord because he "preaches for him sometimes".  I surprised my own self with a high pitch, "You're a preacher?!"  It hadn't occurred to me at all.  The only evidence I had was when we "showed up", the K-Love Mike left on was still playing and maybe even louder. 
     Until he insuated he was done working, the contractor hadn't given me much reason to think he wasn't a Christian.  On the other hand, he hadn't given me any reason to think he was.  He was leaving things cosmetically worse than he found them, even though the adjuster said his bid was high. 
     The question is this:  is someone questioning the validity of our faith because of our shoddy work?  If we do all to the glory of God, why in the world would we leave things undone and expect payment for them?  Why do we cut corners, hoping no one will notice?  BECAUSE we haven't died to ourselves!  We're still trying to get one up on someone, no matter if it ruins our testimony. 
      REALLY?  Are we satisfied with what God's doing in our own lives so much that we would sacrifice what is best for another?!  What kind of religion is that?  Oh yeah, "religion" IS the problem.  If our lives aren't changed enough to be "infectious" to others, then what good is any of it?
      Is there someone, anyone who'd be surprised if you confessed you're a Christian?  Count it as shame, as I have myself, and get right with God ...before that acquaintance, like my neighbor's best friend's husband, doesn't wake from his sleep and the loss of opportunity is counted against you.  Too, if someone's kid blesses you with a drink and snack, don't leave the trash on the piano when you go.

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