I set the clock this morning for 5:30. I thought I'd tell the bus drivers/assistants why in the world Manuel had been taken from school again after he got soaring remarks last week, but I felt out of sorts and crashed back in bed. I woke to a call from the school, because his mother had already called with her story; but they wanted mine. I certainly obliged them. Then, I obliged the social worker. Of course, this is a story she's heard time and again. "Mom gets another goal on her mind and decides to say her children are too close to the caregivers or vice versa." I have other words for it.
We had a couple more dental issues to resolve today and AFTER they gassed Macklynn, they decided that the hung tooth was something for an oral surgeon, but this is the last day before our insurance lapses - long story. At least they saw him and McKala after I showed up 2 hours late getting the appointment cards confused. There are still some cheerful, God fearing state workers in the world. No, I'm not ashamed to say I took the children to the Iredell County Health Department for this. I rather enjoy being one of the ones whose first language is that of "American". I had to find something in town to remove the permament marks a couple of little fellas left on our floor. Too bad there isn't something to remove the damage to the souls left here........So, Dad sent me to find M.E.K. I doubt too many guys are frequenting my blog, but if you are one of them, you should already know that it's some BAD stuff. We've tried everything else to remove the glow-in-the-dark marker on the linoleum. I also got cash for the laundry mat and to get the $3.29 price for gas. I cannot believe I'm saying that or that Mike spent $100 K on fuel last year to run 1 truck.
We hauled 6 huge loads of clothes and sheets to wash. Mike's suggestion was a relief. Believe me, it's not the first time. Once, we did 14 loads while we were having septic problems, on our anniversary none the less, but it was a little like being a new couple. All I know is that these HE front loading machines like we bought are just about worthless. Only good thing is they spin the clothes almost dry BUT that last little bit seems to be what leeks out.... In walking back to the car, I spied a gray striped kitten under a tire. I called Miranda out to grab her chicken from work to tempt it to us. She succeeded and now we fully expect help with pest control in the barn and will probably do as we have in years past, let her have a litter of little helpers before we "fix" anyone, not to mention the joy the kids will have in new babies. Funny to find out when we got home that Megan had also adopted a stray today, a puppy she's thinking of naming "Sprocket" since he'll live in Mom and Dad's shop with her, my young mechanic.
We couldn't have left for home at a worse time. Within a couple of minutes, we were right in the middle of the worst halestorm I've ever been caught in. I was absolutely blinded and pulled into a driveway, only to finally see 2 really big trees. Yep, I backed that baby up, but don't think I didn't consider for a moment that this situation was interestingly coinciding with the claim I had to file for Miranda's wreck in the driveway this weekend. There was a tornado warning right there and I'm thankful once again for a safe return and that the cat didn't claw Miranda to pieces in the midst of it all.
My ankles have been swollen for an unusual several days in a row from standing, stress, and the amount of ham we've had around here. Miranda had requested one recently, so we ate on that for 2 or 3 days, then God bless my Mom; she brought one my Dad smoked all the way from Georgia and we made a couple meals on it. I swear I think someone here even cooked SPAM after that. Anyway, Mike picked me up a bottle of muscadine wine bottled in nearby Mocksville and I'm enjoying it immensely right now. Afterall it's a diuretic, so I'm in need of it, right?
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