If my decisiveness causes divisiveness, then come what may because I've lived too much of my life in the gray.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Michael, 13 yesterday

     He was conceived on the first "date" Mike and I had (in our new Suburban) 3 months after I gave birth by c section to McKala, which made him a huge surprise.  I don't remember much about the physical pregnancy.  I love the whole spectrum of being pregnant, but already having an infant blurs much of my memory.  What I remember is the timing.  Something life altering had been happening in Mike's world and had come to such a head that, although I had seen him flounder in a wide range of coping, I knew this time he was deathly serious about taking his own life.  He left with gun in hand because he couldn't face what was in front of him.  After he was gone, I recall being on my knees in front of our bedroom window in a voice that only comes a few times in a lifetime.....He came back later with a pregnancy test in hand.  We had talked some about the possibility but had thought it was a complication of the section.  The positive was just enough to pull him back to the optimism of reality.  Little did he know that after 3 daughters, it would be his first son.                                                                                                                   
     His birth went like clockwork, no meds, vaginal delivery. In the delivery room, Mike watched Earnhardt finally win the Daytona 500 as Michael was being born.  I could've strangled him because he later said he assumed that I was a "pro" by then.  Michael, Jr. was really blue from the cord and worried Mike more than all the other babies.  He was 8 1/2 + lbs of healthy, blonde boy who was 4 days shy of being an Irish twin AND the first of our children born in North Carolina.

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