If my decisiveness causes divisiveness, then come what may because I've lived too much of my life in the gray.

Monday, August 27, 2012

You Said It Yourself

     I was careful.  I was actually perturbed but I went for the melodramatic instead.  I wrote that I'm heartbroken at the good riddance some parents express at the onset of a new school year.  A pet peeve of mine is that every fall there are moms who are ready to push their kids onto the school bus.  I always thought it was because the parent and child couldn't get along and my answer to an obnoxious child is for the parent to look in the mirror at his or her equally obnoxious self.  However, it was put crystal clear to me that some moms think the scramble of finding someone to babysit when summer camps have run out is "exhausting", that the job and housework leave no "me" time.  Oh, and the best part is that I, myself, live in "fantasy land".
     First off, I can bet she brought preconceived notions about me to the table.  It's always a shame when people listen to gossip.  Trouble is I don't want to give her my side.  I don't want to ruin what was the good between me and the mutual friend who introduced us.
     Secondly, I was more concerned that someone else I know had a "status" similar to hers.  But the conscience was pricked and that's between her and her Maker.
     Thirdly, I love how my kids rose to the occasion.  Michael, Jr who is often jokingly the devil's advocate, said ,"You do all that stuff and there are 7 of us."  Melody was gone with Mike for the day and upon her return and without my mention came across the post and comment.  She politely wrote, "Now, that's not nice ..."  She followed it with something like, "I said somthing and not becouse she's my mom." 
     Well, spelling doesn't come particularly naturally to the Harpers.  That goes along with the running gene we must be missing.  (I'm thinking these 2 things call for drill practice :)  It all leads to how open I am about our shortcomings.  She told me herself months ago when I ran into her at the store that she loved keeping up with us via posts and blog posts.   She must not be keeping up too well because whose "fantasy land" involves bankruptcy, life altering illness of a child, and regular foul ups?
     On the contrary, her world of high end living, partying with lavish vehicles and trips is the surreal life she ironically blasts me with.  Her husband runs his own successful company, so "need" is unlikely.  It's very similar to a "Wife Swap" I saw this weekend.  If she hadn't deleted her account, I'd be tempted to ask what her son would prefer, his mother or her substitutes, his video gaming or her time.
    "You said it yourself," I'dve replied but I didn't have to.  She made her case for everyone who read her words.  The care for her son is a hassle.  And she doesn't even know how manageable it could be.  I won't leave this session without saying she's in plenty of company, in and out of the church.  When you have a baby and set out with an ultimatum of six weeks or a few months or a few years of your undivided attention and then hand him over to a surrogate as if she suffices, you are part time mothering.  Believers, do you have no more belief than that God can't provide the needs of you and your baby?  Ah, now you're defensive!  I babysat more than 14 children over a period of 3 years and only one of the mothers said she "had" to work.  Even she had no intentions of quitting when times smoothed over.
     I tire of apologizing for the truth, so I'm not going to.  Churches have lost their attraction because most have nothing new to offer.  Hardly a pastor will preach directly to women for fear of retribution for "politically and socially incorrect" statements, otherwise known as Biblical teaching.  In the meantime, women chase after substitutes for fulfillment that is right at home.
     So, as you run the school bus down to shove the kids in, remember there is a wannabe mom somewhere who'd die for your position.  There's an unhealthy relationship your child will find trying to replace the one you've tossed aside, that barely allows time for more than daily maintenance and a snipit of who you'd be if you weren't so drained.
     Oh, and I'm proof positive that I can, could, and would perform virtually any job superbly.  Not only am I academically proven, but also on a weekly basis, I begrudgingly correct legal, medical, and otherwise professional staff.  So, if I want a "fantasy land", I could make it and make it big, but I have what I want.  I'm not the one who should be checking my state of reality.  It's not easy or posh or pretty all the time, but nothing worth having is. 
     After noting all these thoughts, I pouted my way to my prayer list to add this family.  In a day or so, my gusto will be subdued and I'll be left burdened that God intervenes for the sake of a youngster, for the generations of children cycled in and out of the busyness of artificial living.  The surrounding circumstances will pale and, God willing, you'll hear from me on some new subject, perhaps even more controversial than this one ;)


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    2. To him who knows to do good and doesn't do it, it is sin. So, it is not for you to say it is or isn't sin. It is for the individual. Unfortunately, this all began on a Facebook post that has been deleted. I was unhappy to see all the excitedness of moms getting rid of their kids. It is about that attitude and need not be translated into something else.

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  12. I meant ridding your most cherished possessions :)

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  17. I was not going to say anything on here. BUT I have heard the same comments Sheree said to Michelle for the last two weeks. Michelle did not put your name on the post or the blog. Sheree put her self in this. Then deleted her hateful rant. So no one can now read Sheree's rant. Michelle was just stating her opinion. And I feel the same way. Why have children and if you can't wait to get rid of them. They grow up quick and you can't get that time back. And then you can have all the ME time you want. Michelle did not say anyone was going to HELL for sending their children to school and working. Michelle was not judging anyone, just stating her opinion and belief. The only ones judging are the ones judging Michelle. From what comments I have read they think Michelle is jealous of yall. That is one thing she is not. Michelle chooses to stay home and school our children. Michelle is very smart and can have or do anything that she puts her mind to do. When our children are all of age to take care of their selves Michelle will have worked for 36 years raising them to be productive citizens, and her JOB as a Mother will be done.
    Sheree why don't you put your coversation with Michelle on here since you outed your self as one of the ones she was giving her opinion on. Tell everyone how this summer with your child was such a burden on you. And then tell everyone how you told Michelle how much you liked reading her blogs.Is this not what you said to her face to face? Sheree you made this personal not Michelle.
    My opinion is why have children if you still need ME time. Couples can have all the ME time before you have children and after they are grown up and out on their own. And I know stuff happens and it don't always work out the way its planned.
    As far as being jealous of you or your husband I[WE] have never been jealous of anyone or anything. I have been on top of the world and in the depths of HELL over our lives together and right now we are at the bottom and theres only one way to go and thats up. We will be there again one day. Im glad yall are doing well and hope and pray that yall continue to prosper.
    Again Michelle did not tell any of you that you were bad parents or judge any of you or tell anyone they were going to Hell.
    One more thing, I was standing in line at a store a few days ago listening to three women talking about this same thing and all three were saying the same thing. How their children were such a drain on them. One even said she was glad that there was a church near them that just bought a bus and how she got three more hrs of ME time on Sundays now because church was picking them up on sunday mornings now.
    So again please Sheree put your conversation with Michelle on here so everyone can see how much your child is a burden on you. I know im repeating my self but YOU Sheree put your self on here not Michelle. And I don't know why your husband had to drag me in to this, but he did with his judging and sarcasm. But I figure he did not see your rant because you deleted it or does he know what was said to Michelle in the store. Again post and blog were to everyone who feels the way you do about your ME time.

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  23. I tried apology. I tried to say this should end. Now, it's turned into lies about what my 12 year old daughter said and a lot of cursing. I am the first to say that I am not "innocent". My secrets are left here for people to read. If you've been told anything else, it's a lie. My "degradation" of my husband is reviewed by him and even though you seem to think he's too stupid to understand it, he knows what kind of man he was and who is now. It is meant to be a testimony and show that life is hard, Christian or no Christian. I have been encouraged to leave all these comments here, but now that the language is rough and every statement is being distorted, which I know is how you feel also, I'm stopping this. No, I won't specify so much anymore. Yes, I knew this one went public. Again, I wish it went down differently. No, I am not sorry at my lament for children when mothers are glad summer is over. Someone has to be an advocate for kids. It is my opinion and it is valid. This is about attitude, not whether or not you love your child. I too enjoy moments of silence. Perhaps, you're right, I shouldn't have posted anything to begin with. I remember being called away in the middle of it, and maybe that was a sign that my timing was wrong.

  24. In putting that I pouted my way to my prayer list, I was saying I am not an exemplary Christian, again being honest.

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