If my decisiveness causes divisiveness, then come what may because I've lived too much of my life in the gray.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

No New York for Us

     I wonder how many people like us won't revisit New York City for Christmas because of the chaos, aka Occupy Wallstreet.   Since we harldy put emphasis on gift getting at Christmas, we planned to spend a couple of days in the city ice skating, rummaging in and out of stores, and  gazing at landmarks, much like we did 6 years ago.   Now that things are increasingly violent, Mike says there is no chance for us the enjoy a trip there.  I am as sorely displeased as the children.
     I "get" that big money is highly likely to be corrupt and in bed with the government and "that" very point is the thing.  Clean up the government, our supposed representatives, setting terms limits and requiring financial transparencies.  Mike heard of a book out now that exposes the way officials legally get around "gifts" and briberies.  It details what particular public officials were worth before they were voted in and what they are worth now, still in office.  It sickens me, but what disturbs me worse that these protestors in New York (and around the country) are barking up the wrong trees.  They are preventing regular Americans from getting to work, from enjoying the park, and from using the public services they paid for.  These demoralized people are hurting the very ones that claim to represent.  The law is being broken now and they believe they are above it.  Watch what you will on TV, MSNBC or FOX, but until you dig deeper for independent interviews, you won't see the truth.
     I am wise enough to know the movement has attracted all kinds of scavengers, people who don't care about the message at all.  I am also wise enough to hear words of those who do have opinions and I still find them unfounded.  They are not searching the right source.  Condemning capitalism is ignorant.  Condemning greed is worthy of inspection.  Downsize the government.  We have enough of a socialist system already.  A generation is almost lost because of a reliance on working America to support it, unless of course Mom and Dad have put education above all else in carrrying their children to adulthood.  Studying does NOT shape a worker. 
     I went in to answer a call and lost the receipt, I had jotted notes on, to the wind ...so now I'm on my own.  Yesterday, I had a questioned posed to me that if I believed in a "3rd Party's" stand, wouldn't I vote for it.  Ideally, yes, but we all understand the realities that it would take away from the Republican numbers.  I hate that it could be the lesser of two evils with the ruling parties, but I will do whatever it takes to vote Progressives/L:iberals out of office.  Are the majority on both sides corrupt?  I'm afraid so, and that's where grass roots mean something.  One voice still means everything in America.  Contrary to that idea was a group of "millionaires", who happen to be lawyers and lobbyists, interviewed saying they are for higher taxes for the 1%.  The female interviewer gave them access to the IRS where a person really can offer more taxes.  Each refused, scoffing it off that one person couldn't make the difference.
     Ah!  Now, we have the makings of Socialism.  I regret that I did not pay close attention in history classes (not that text books aren't slanted anyway), so when I have the time and interest, I have to dig for understanding or hear it from Mike, my source on the road :)  Socialism inevitably involves genocide, and I don't just mean Hitler.  If you aren't with the masses, then you're as good as dead.  Socialism really only benefits the leadership of it, who do not take part in the actuality of it. 
     In a perfect world, God would step in and create "peace", so I get a bit of a twitch and feel dishonor is brought on our forces when I see "peace signs" on all matter of clothing.  (If people only cared to read of its originations, they might think twice before dawning this fad.)  No fear, that perfect world is coming but for us to selfishly sit back and quicken its coming is a shame, for our children and children's children will suffer from our apathy.  America was founded on Christian values.  They were indeed imperfect men, but the Constitution's ideals were and still are upstanding and honorable.  I have an ongoing converstation with a couple of "men", from opposing sides, who don't see the benefit of the mention God in schools.   I see value in parts of their arguments but God has placed something in my mind that it will not release and that is:  "43When the unclean spirit is gone out of a man, he walketh through dry places, seeking rest, and findeth none. 44Then he saith, I will return into my house from whence I came out; and when he is come, he findeth it empty, swept, and garnished. 45Then goeth he, and taketh with himself seven other spirits more wicked than himself, and they enter in and dwell there: and the last state of that man is worse than the first. Even so shall it be also unto this wicked generation." Matthew 12:43-45.  You may not care for the conclusions I draw but a vessel does not stand empty in the world of unseeable principalities.  When you rid one thing, another comes along and in the case of education, the standard disintegrates, in lieu of God's preeminence being trashed.
     "Revelationists", ones who think government belabors the coming of our Lord, take for granted that America IS exceptional - meaning it is different than anything else in history.  However, I do agree that if God's words were posted on our doorways and we still, as the majority, followed his lead; Christians alone might satisfy the hunger and needs of a confused and scared world.   Sadly, so many of us are blindly and fearfully fighting our own demons that we don't step out and make any obvious impact for the lost.
     I have a group of thoughts I'd named, "Question Everything", but I'll put it out here instead.  Why do we do what we do?  Why don't we even stop to ask why we do what we do?  Status quo is nothing to be settled with.  In no way do I esteem my family above another, but I hope that "average" is something our children don't aspire to be.  (Sometimes it involves losing friends or opportunities.)  When we drop the ball for a length of time, average comes quickly.  Let's pick it up because the world may be around a lot longer than you think and for those of you who think there is no end to it, how will militantly forcing people to be charitable solve your problems, which are contradictory in and of themselves?

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