If my decisiveness causes divisiveness, then come what may because I've lived too much of my life in the gray.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

A 21 Year Old, Her Mother, and Atlanta

     Let me say first that I am honored that Megan would want her mother involved in the celebration of her 21st birthday.  Her father was hurt that his participation wasn't highly sought after, but it really did turn into a girls' night out and I know she would've never let loose if he were within sight - even for the tamest of dance. 
     I got up Saturday and was driving south before long.  Most of you should know by now that Megan lives near our families just south of Atlanta.  Mike's sister, Aunt Mandy, and I go way back to middle school.  She coordinated the event with the 27th birthday of a mutual friend of theirs.   She also volunteered to be the DD.   There were plans for almost 20 of us to meet up for dinner at some higher end place in the city, but it was to be of no avail, so the core group for Megan's party just sat it down at Longhorn.  We made some great selections and getting to see Alabama put 2 scores up before we left got my night started out nicely. 
     Watching improv was to be the highlight of the evening.  Indeed, it was.  I'm hardly a pessimist, but I had reservations about just how entertaining it would be.  Their couches and audience participation set up a cozy atmosphere of barrier removal.  I burst out laughing, slapping my hands together ...even when I didn't want to.  There was one girl in particular I have nothing less than anticipation for her stardom.  Her name is Lauren ...(so I can say I told ya so).   A perfect impersonation of Jimmy Stewart was done by "Mark", who also happens to be black, proving his exceptional abilities.  I'll be looking for him, too.
     When it was over, there was some cuttin' up and picture taking 'til everyone could decide where to gravitate to next.  We set out following one of the guys (even though he wore those creepy white elf shoes which was Pied Piperish ;) to a hangout familiar to him.   The guy carding took a close look at Megan's and overemphasized his "stamp" of approval, even though she lacked 2 hours being 21 - very cool of him.  Like any place around 10 pm, it was low key to begin with.  Megan was coerced to the floor early on, showing some of her "zumba" skills (chuckles) in her teal green dress and nice new boots and ...birthday bling.
     I've yet to mention Aunt Jennifer, my brother's (ex) wife but my (forever) sister (not "in-law" but "in-love").  She was also a DD and had brought along her 21 year old friend.  We worked the spectrum of ages very well.  Jennifer and I spotted a good "viewing" corner quickly and set up camp with purses and coats.  At The Improv, I'd hit on a good Oktoberfest, Fat Tire, (which a guy at the bar thought was funny to hear me say ...I should've told him a few more things :/ ).   There were plenty of guys who didn't have a problem with "fat tires"; but I sat in the corner for nearly 3 hours, people watching with Jennifer.  We saw things that we thought we should "learn to do" and ...some things that made us ...well ...flinch.
     Apparently, corner sitters are magnetics for people who need a challenge.  Thanks to my dear daughter, I got not 1 but 2 "lap" dances by young men who by all appearances "had some practice at it".  On Megan's behalf, I'll say she had NO idea that's what would happen.  On MY behalf ,  I'll say that they were nothing like the videos Mike found on the computer of male lap dancing.  AND I did hold my purse like an old lady to keep some space and I think I even hit one of them with it.  All 3 of us "old ladies" could've done well for ourselves but we kept it decent and accountable.
     We didn't do any bar hopping because once the place was packed upstairs and down, I guess no one had any real reason to leave.  Sometime before 2 am, we all decided the crowd was too aggressive and it was time to mosey on back.  4 of us stopped to eat, but I didn't have anything.  They didn't let me live that down, since it's some kind of sin NOT to eat at Waffle House, but I felt so good and had such BAD hickups and ...was bent on not wasting the leftovers from Longhorn.   Some time before 4 am, Megan and I crashed in my niece's bed.  The "deed" was done:  she'd gotten into a real bar - didn't get even close to drunk, danced her herself tired, and got to witness firsthand the indecency that comes in the wee hours of partying.  Some people might have a problem with how we rang in her year but I know different.  She learned something.
     Sunday, first full day of 21, she slept 'til noon.   We sat around in our PJs and talked with Aunt Mandy 'til 3 pm.  (I said it while I was down there, but it bears repeating, "I like her (Mandy) more every time we get to talk," which is rarely.)  We drove over to Mom and Dad's for an hour or so.  Dad was building as usual and Mom was driving my cheerful little niece, Maggie, around on the 4 wheeler.  Megan wanted to do the "mature 21", so some of us regrouped and went out for Mexican.  I managed to squeeze in a prayer.  I think it was a surprise to the crowd on the whole, but I thanked God (not flipantly, but with a smile) for the "survival" of the night before and asked for help that we live the week by that thanks.
     Then there were two, Megan and me.  She had begged earlier in the day that Mike approve my spending the night with her at her place, before returning home.  So, we rode around a little looking for something else to do.  I make no apology that I bought her her first "Irish Carbomb", although she was none too impressed and I had to finish it.  She always defaults to the theater and the new "Footloose" was showing at 10 pm; so although it's not "family friendly" in my view, as 2 adults we enjoyed the dancing and music ...especially, since we were the only ones there.  Yes, the Harpers shut another place down.  And, yes, we danced all the way down the steps and out the door when it was over.  Another yes, Megan is a well adjusted, reliable, fantastic adult with an angelic coutenance.   One more yes, I like the woman we've helped fashion and whom God has abounded. 

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