It was busy as always when a party is in the works, Melody's 11th. We had 3 extra sets of hands on deck. I had gone out to inspect the pond area and decided it had to have some algae treatment, which needed to be done last week (so has gone the whole summer). McKala and Regan got in the inflatable boat with wisk-like branches to "assist" in the disbursement. Rusty, the beagle, who has become an avid swimmer, headed toward the blue cloud so I worried about his fur. Regan and I laughed at the thought of too much treatment giving all the party-goers a blue tinge, "smurf-like" as Regan said, and that it could be the new click for the first of school next week.
I went on with my straightening and within minutes, Tootsie, who patrols the border of the pond for frogs, became all worked up, ears pricked. Before I knew what was happening, she hurled a snake into the air. It wasn't what I'd expect to see. It had a tan color, was thick and a couple of feet long. I let out a shrill noise like a bottle rocket, hair standing on end, and I hate to admit, peed on myself. I had just been over there in the muck barefooted. It managed its way back in the water. At that point, I finally noticed the girls in their panic to get to the opposite side using the sticks feverishly for oars. McKala is deathly afraid of snakes and I was in hysterics watching them make short work with their pathetic tools.
In my panic, I still had enough curiosity to remain nearby and winced when I saw it swimming a good foot under the water, then came up for air with its orange head. Michael , Jr. had heard his name at such a pitch that he came quickly with weapon in hand and we thought killed it. Afterall, we were having a pond party in a few hours.
As we were inspecting Tootsie for bites, Michelle drove up to the pond to bring Jaycie, laughing at what a bunch of rednecks we looked like. We hadn't given any thought that we all still had on pajama pants and looked like we were just hanging out midday that way. We had to tell the whole story of course. As we did, it resurfaced and round 2 began. At that point, I proclaimed that these "hillbillies" needed a "CEment pond"! Michael sat and watched diligently 'til we just had to leave for practice.
Leaving 6 excited girls to decorate, we took the small ones with us and got some last minute things for the party, returning just in time for it and for Michael, Jr. to fire up the grill. We were once again surrounded by some of our favorite, fun friends and many of their parents. I'll have you know that no alcohol was necessary for the pleasant flow of things. As Virginia, Michelle, and I threw some more fruit dip and slaw together, Lou manned the grill and Christy photographed everything and everybody. She would come back periodically, leaning on the counter so she could hear the Sirius radio behind me. I finally ascertained that she was listening to the International Bluegrass Music Association award nominations and that they, one at the grill and one taking pictures, were indeed nominated and more than once. She let out a yell and ran to tell him, but hung out like "regular" folks the rest of the night. Good heavens, they just had their names called out on Sirius Radio You wouldn't know it. We went shopping for groceries the night before and she pointed out how storebrand chips and hotdogs would be fine for the party, never mentioning the program that would follow the night after.
All in all, we had a "swell" time: kids, water (I warned them all about that snake but they braved it anyway), kittens, dogs, balloons, strawberries and otherwise good food, importantly "good condiments" as Lou said, and gorgeous cake (which Mike planned out and ordered with Melody, along with decorations, but didn't get to appreciate because this time work won him out, although he has a horrendous toothache). I was glad for the time alone with her to shop and eat yesterday because as I sat afterwards to "decompress" tonight, I realized I hardly spoke with her today.
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