If my decisiveness causes divisiveness, then come what may because I've lived too much of my life in the gray.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Sunday, what to do with this gift?

     A couple of the kids requested to make it to church this Sunday.  As it stands, there are 10 of us and our new minivan only holds 8.  I thought I could at the very least let the older ones go together.  However, I forgot AGAIN in all the goings on of the week that Miranda, now 16, does have a job and they keep having her work on Sunday morning (but don't give enough hours for her to purchase her first car).   I wish she didn't work on Sundays at all.  For years I was really legalistic about Sundays altogether.  Then I read that if we want to hold up the law of Sunday rest, then we must be willing to hold to the punishment.  And I don't care to stone anyone, but child molesters, to death.                                                               
     I can't say that it always requires such a good excuse for us to miss "congregating"; with our odd rhythms, spontaneous trips, funky illnesses, and many moves.... we are hardly regular attendees.  The people who are "regular" may not understand the regard I hold for Sunday, a gift to man from the creator.   My God gives me a day to just rest, play, and contemplate without an ounce of guilt.  (I am still apt to feel guilty if I do anything else.)  I have an aunt who is a pastor's wife and they have sandwiches for Sunday lunch with no apologies.            
     Used to on a Sunday, I wouldn't even consider going to eat, getting gas, or grabbing some essentials.  I still try very hard not to.  As grace reveals itself to a soul, something above the law is given.  It's not just about going to church, avoiding purchases, or meditating.  It's a time to reap what the hard work of the week has issued.  It's a time to be thankful and enjoy what we love.                                                             
      Things can be pretty haphazard here, so Sunday is a good time for us to get in that family prayer, some extra minutes in the Bible, some Christian music listening and especially singing, some talks that get missed during the week, some sitting and snuggling together that doesn't require a TV, some games that have been passed up on, some alone time to praise God for the things that did happen AND for the close calls that didn't in the last week, and some time to ask Him to guide us into the unknown of the coming week.                                 
     Not everyone is home on a Sunday, but if it's their heart's desire to be so, then God is already working out the timing. I love Sundays and a husband who travels some of them so that I have this time to be restored and gear up for the battles of the next 6 days.

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