I called it yesterday: that they would demand college for cops. Get everyone they can into the system and spellbound by their philosophies. What the world needs is less college and more church. BlackLivesMatter is a godless antithesis of the Church. And if you haven't cared to dig into their mission statement, then you don't know that with them anything goes including the destruction of the nuclear family which, again, is the foundation of Communism.
Violence, as in Noah's day, is what brings an end to the patience of God. If "peaceful" protestors had been interested in peace, they would have left before the curfews. After the first day, they knew exactly the kind of violence they were ushering in by staying on the streets.
Physical violence is the outcropping of a violent heart. Every so-called peaceful protestor who spits vile words and threats is well on their way to physical violence that just hasn't found the right opportunity yet.
As the brave police force dwindles as a result of reverse racism and unappreciation, the cities will see what it looks like when no one answers the 911 call. Except, the Progressives believe the answer is on-call social workers. Situations that have turned violent are not ready for reason. People who talk for a living think that's the solution to everything. These are the same people whose kids won't take no for answer, the same kids out on the street looking for something to represent because their own lives are meaningless. Even our Christian, young adults don't know God and his Word well enough to discern the current evil. They aren't "following" solid, Christian leaders, just cool friends and trends.
Thank God our own kids have been taught about politics, current events, economics, and firearms their whole lives. I know you want to protect the innocence of your children, but if you don't make them "wise as serpents," they will be helpless and basically useless in this culture.
Here's what I know: I was picking a couple of things up at the store last week. A black man a little older than I am walked up to get the same thing I was getting. I stepped back to give him room because of the whole Covid thing. He got his item while saying, "Excuse me." Then, he said, "I should have said excuse me before I got it." I smiled and told him I was so sleepy I didn't even notice. We talked about what we were making for supper, and he left. All good. No racism. That's how it works, one encounter at a time.
But the Progressives need division to have a leg to stand on. God knows they don't have anything else. The polarization is causing more racism, not less. Truth be known, I'm a little more scared of black males having seen what I've seen on TV. I'm not scared enough to hate, but for people who don't understand the love of Christ, that's the natural path: fear=hate.
If my information is correct, black males make up 6% of the American population and 44% of violent crime. Nothing but reformation in Jesus is going to help that discrepancy. And what about the black voices who refuse to be "played" by mindless politics? Burgess Owens, Ms. Yunga, Candace Owens, and the Woodson Institute. And guess what? I don't need social media. Why are Christian people depending on nonChristian outlets anyway? The same reason we do anything: convenience.
The real problem in all this is no respect of authority. The vast majority of us have handed our children over to the system as their only true authority. And we're reaping the consequences. Organized school started out in America to not only get children out of factories but also to get moms into them. And we decided we liked it better that way. Leave the hard work to the professionals while we get a nicer house and a nicer car and more personal freedom. And now we have entire generations of rebels led by Principalities.
This weekend has been a lab of sorts for our 15 and 12 year olds. They have gotten to see just what it takes to wrangle in the will of two year olds. All toddlers sneak, hit, steal, scream, and throw until someone stops them. I didn't hand my children over so that people could coerce them into submission. I have trained them with real, immediate, painful results, as they are doing with their children. Yes, there comes a point when God steps in and takes over. And believe you me, when that happens, they full-well know where their discipline is coming from and why. No excuses. Quit giving people excuses. Victims are breeders of contempt. And, ladies, the next time someone says, "Yes, ma'am," to you, humbly accept it as a respectful sign of authority which is forgotten in our country.