I couldn't have all the kids up there and not go see Mrs. Poe. We shared a driveway tucked back in the Blue Ridge Mountains for 5 years. Since we've left, she lost her husband of over 50 years. She tells us that she thinks of us daily, which makes it all the worse that I forgot to call her on her birthday in June.
We all sat out on her front porch in the chilly mountain air and caught her up on all our comings and goings. She always seems so pleased to hear them. I noticed her frame, that not long ago used to do the yardwork and clean the local bank, was more feeble than usual. She told me once after Mr. Poe's passing that sometimes she just lies in bed in the morning because she doesn't know what to get up and do without him. She says she's fine except for an upcoming cataract surgery.
I left unconvinced and went with the kids to see another neighbor, Ernie. Michael walked up to the window and announced himself. He came straightway to the door, excited to see us. He immediately said he had something to show us. When he opened the door to the living quarters of the arena, Megan turned around to me smiling and said it smelled just the same, with some wonderful aroma his wife always used.
When we entered the ring, he told us to all get into the train he'd made since the last time we'd come. And he wasn't kidding. He took off pulling us with his 4 wheeler in the dark. That's something we never could've imagined would happen! That's what I mean about LETTING God make things happen, instead of us people MAKING things happen.

The 4 cars were on the way to New Hope and not a minute too soon. Michael had done his share by rotating the tires on the van Friday morning but ran into something that took 4 hours to get back together. Everyone was plain worn out. Megan had worked all week and then on Mike's car. Miranda was sick and up a lot of Saturday night making all manner of terrible sinus sounds. McKala had been up 'til 1 am and up for work at 6 am. Michael had gotten back from his game at 2 am. Melody had cooked for the picnic and babysat Madalynn while Macklynn was on the field at 9:45 am.
Church didn't happen this morning. I'm okay with it; although, as a friend said, "If you miss Kevin (our pastor) speak, you always miss a good sermon."
I began my late morning with Exodus and coffee. Even though, I don't normally put much effort into cooking on Sundays, I decided homemade pizza was in order. It's quite a process, but I knew I had all afternoon. Madalynn and I took the dough with us to rise pondside, while McKala made the sauce. It was all I could do to come back in from the sun. It's as though the heat is the hand of God himself.
Right now, Megan is catching a show with Mike that he and I watched earlier about the Roll Tide and War Eagle rivalry. That's after she watched "Pride and Prejudice" for the umpteenth time with her sisters. Michael and Macklynn started a fire and have been cat-fishing. We're all resting up for another big week.
Miranda's first day back to work is tomorrow. We have to finish cleaning and working on the cars. Michael has to fix the chicken coup because the piglet's decided he can come and go as he pleases. Then he has to go "throw hay," stack bails 8 high from the field onto a moving trailer, for a neighbor. He'll miss practice again; but after the 4 sacks he made Friday night, hopefully Coach won't say much! Macklynn will have 3 nights of practice, also. Melody will help bake cookies for the first time at church Tuesday while I'm at counseling. Madalynn will start her much anticipated children's choir practice Wednesday night. But you know what? I couldn't ask for much more of God's hand in the children's lives because we're "more than just living".
All this but I can't stop thinking about my friend, Christi, a bridesmaid of mine and fellow writer, and her husband, Rob, who just underwent emergency surgery only to find out it's a malignant brain tumor. I'd like to think it is only there so that God can reveal his divinity through their faith.
"The secret of the Lord is with them that fear him; and he will shew them his covenant," ~ Psalm 25:14.